Important: As of 10/2022, please install the latest 3.x version of our Grafana Data Source plugin, as v2.x releases are no longer supported.
The Grafana Data Source Plugin can be found on the Grafana Marketplace or our GitHub repository (
Please review the file on our GitHub repository for installation / configuration instructions.
Marketplace Install
Install directly from Grafana Plugins page:
CLI Install
To install the stable version of the plugin using grafana-cli, access our GitHub repository for the most current version, then run the following command (update the GitHub URL as needed):
grafana-cli --pluginUrl \<version>/sentinelone-dataset-datasource-<version>.zip \ plugins install scalyr-datasource
Restart your Grafana server.
- For init.d based services you can use the command:
sudo service grafana-server restart
- For systemd based services you can use the following:
systemctl restart grafana-server
- For init.d based services you can use the command:
Docker Install
A Docker container can be used to quickly preview or test out the plugin.
From the console, run
docker pull grafana/grafana
to fetch the latest version of Grafana - I install the DataSet plugin with a Dockerfile
from grafana/grafana
RUN /bin/bash -c 'grafana-cli plugins install sentinelone-dataset-datasource' - Build the updated container from the directory where the Dockerfile is located:
docker build -t grafana:latest .
Start the Grafana container with the following command. Note that we're using the
image we built in step 3docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana -e "GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=" -e "GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret" grafana:latest
From your (host) system, access the following address:
Username: admin Password: secret
Follow the steps outlined on the scalyr-grafana-datasource-plugin GitHub repository to set up DataSet as a Grafana data source.
Create a Test Dashboard
Once you have installed the scalyr-grafana-datasource-plugin, you can establish a test dashboard.
- Click the "Dashboards" -> "New Dashboard" menu
- Click "Add a new panel"
- Be sure that:
- The "DataSet" data source is selected,
- Choose "Standard" Query Type and "Time series" graph type
- Enter a valid DataSet graph query as the Expression. For example:
mean(value where tag='logVolume' metric='logBytes')
- Click "Apply." A graph of your present log volume will be displayed.
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