A High-Availability (HA) active-passive VM deployment requires two identical VMs: a primary (master) and a secondary (backup) VM with DataSet Agent installed.
The secondary VM will act as a backup of the primary (master) VM and will continue to process events if the primary (master) VM fails.
Normal operation (Syslog monitor 1 is active as a Primary(master))
Syslog monitor is 2 active as a Primary(backup).
Failover from Syslog Monitor 1 to 2 is done using a virtual IP which will point to the active Syslog monitor in case one of the servers/machines goes down.
To deploy the HA configuration, you will need:
Two VMs in the same network. These must be different VMs installed on different machines with different names, but both must have the same Syslog monitor configuration.
3 IP addresses. One for each VM and a virtual IP associated with the active VM.
The router (VRRP) software Keepalived. This software will monitor the activity of the VMs and trigger failover when needed.
Recommend VM configuration
2 vCPU
Memory → 8 GB
Step-by-step instructions (This guide is designed for setup on Ubuntu )
Identify the primary and secondary VMs
You are starting this process with two identical VMs already set up. Later steps in this process require you to distinguish between the primary VM and the secondary (failover) VM. So, to begin, be sure it is clear which is which.
Install the Keepalived package on both VMs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install keepalived
Configured Keepalived
Create a Keepalived config file on both VMs
Create a new "/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf" file in each of the nodes copying the following content:
Configuration example for the primary node
vrrp_instance don_vsyslog { #edit this to set instance name
state MASTER
interface enp0s1
virtual_router_id 1
unicast_src_ip #edit this
unicast_peer { #edit this
priority 100
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS #edit if desired
auth_pass this_is_the_password_for_ha1_ha2_comms #edit this
virtual_ipaddress { brd dev enp0s1 #edit this
Configuration example for the secondary node
vrrp_instance don_vsyslog { edit this to set instance name
state BACKUP
interface enp0s1
virtual_router_id 1
unicast_src_ip #edit this
unicast_peer { #edit this
priority 99
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS #edit if desired
auth_pass this_is_the_password_for_ha1_ha2_comms #edit this
virtual_ipaddress { brd dev enp0s1 #edit this
Then edit the lines that include #edit this considering this information:
Parameter | Description |
state | Enter MASTER for the primary node and BACKUP for the secondary. |
interface | The networking ID for the VM. For example, eth0 |
unicast_src_ip | The static IP address of one node. For example, |
unicast_peer | The static IP address of the other node. For example, |
virtual_ipaddress | The virtual IP address is the active IP |
auth_pass | The password must be the same for both VMs. We recommend changing the default password. |
vrrp_instance | name of the vrrp instance |
Agent Syslog configuration (identical on both VMs):
// Configuration for the Scalyr Agent. For help:
// https://www.scalyr.com/help/scalyr-agent-2
// Enter a "Write Logs" api key for your account. These are available at https://www.scalyr.com/keys
api_key: "<your write log API key>",
// Fields describing this server. These fields are attached to each log message, and
// can be used to filter data from a particular server or group of servers.
server_attributes: {
// Fill in this field if you'd like to override the server's hostname.
// serverHost: "REPLACE THIS",
// You can add whatever additional fields you'd like.
// tier: "production"
// Log files to upload to Scalyr. You can use '*' wildcards here.
logs: [
// { path: "/var/log/httpd/access.log", attributes: {parser: "accessLog"} }
monitors: [
module: "scalyr_agent.builtin_monitors.syslog_monitor",
protocols: "tcp:1468, udp:514",
accept_remote_connections: true
Restart Keepalived with the new configuration
With the new keepalived.conf files and the scripts set up on both VMs, you need to restart the Keepalived service in each VM to activate the new configuration.
sudo systemctl restart keepalived
Enable the service so that it starts automatically if the machine is rebooted.
sudo systemctl enable keepalived
Confirm that both VMs have registered the virtual IP
This simply confirms that the keepalived.conf file is correct and is being read properly.
Run this command on the primary VM:
ip a
You should see the primary VM IP and the virtual IP in the command output. If you don't, review the .conf file to be sure the changes were saved.
Send test data to the virtual IP
We can use the netcat utility to send 100 events to the virtual IP in order to confirm that it is enabled for the VMs.
for i in `seq 1 100`; do echo "<14>Jan 10 10:00:00 xxx test event $i"|nc -w0 1468; done
Testing High-Availability
On the primary node, stop the Keepalived service to simulate VM failure
sudo systemctl stop keepalived
On the secondary node, you can check that the secondary VM becomes the primary one:
sudo systemctl status keepalived
You will be able to see that your events are still being ingested into the platform.
From the Primary node enable keepalive to return HA to active-passive mode
sudo systemctl start keepalived
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