Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Examples |
columns |
Selects, renames, reorders and/or computes new fields. |
| columns field=expression, field2=expression2, … | | columns timestamp, isError = (status >= 500 && status <= 599), bytes |
filter |
Discards non-matching records. Follows DataSet search query format. |
| filter filterExpression |
| filter status == 502 |
group |
Groups records to compute aggregate statistics |
| group function(expression), function2(expression2), … by expression3, expression4, … |
| group total = count(), errors = count(status >= 500 && status <= 599) by uriPath |
join |
Executes two or more subqueries and merges their corresponding results based on a matching criteria |
| join name = (query), name2 = (query2), … on name.field = name2.field2, … |
| join a = (status = 200 | columns tag), b = (numBytes > 1_000_000 | columns tag) on tag |
let |
Defines one or more new columns. |
| let field=expression, field2=expression2, … |
| let isError = (status >= 500 && status <= 599) |
limit |
Caps records displayed or subsequently processed. |
| limit [nnn] |
| limit 10 |
lookup |
Retrieves values from a lookup table. |
| lookup field=columnName, … from "tableName" by columnName=expression, … |
| lookup name from "users" by id=requestUserId |
parse |
Extracts new fields from raw log message, or from a field, if specified. Similar in function to format statement, but some capabilities not available. |
| parse [format] from fieldName |
| parse "processed $size$KB in $time$ seconds" from summary | parse "image conversion processed $size{regex=\d+}$" |
sort |
Defines record display order. Order defines precedence, ascending is default, |
| sort [+||-]field, [+||-]field2, … |
| sort -error_rate |
transpose |
Removes a column from the table and creates a new column for each of its values. |
| transpose field |
| transpose serverHost |
union |
Executes two or more subqueries, and merges all of their results. |
| union (query), (query) |
| union (status = 404 | columns tag), (severity > 3 | columns tag) |
// |
Comments. |
// comment |
// two slashes indicate a comment, extending until the end of the line |
Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Examples |
count |
Number of records. |
number of records in group: count() |
| group error_rate = count(status >= 500 status <= 599) / count() |
sum |
Sum of all inputs. |
sum(expression) |
| group sumBytes = sum(bytes) |
avg |
Average of all inputs. |
avg(expression) |
| group avgBytes = avg(bytes) |
min |
The smallest input. |
min(expression) |
| group minBytes = min(bytes) |
max |
The largest input. |
max(expression) |
| group maxBytes = max(bytes) |
median |
The median input. |
median(expression) |
| group medianBytes = median(bytes) |
pct |
Percentile from 0-100 of inputs. |
pct(NN, expression) |
| group medianBytes = pct(50, bytes) |
p10,p50,p90,p95,p99,999 |
Percentile of inputs. |
pNNN(expression) |
| group medianBytes = p50(bytes) |
stddev |
The standard deviation of inputs. |
stddev(expression) |
| group sd = stddev(bytes) |
estimate_distinct |
Estimates number of distinct values (uses HyperLogLog algorithm configured for 1.3% median error). |
estimate_distinct(expression) |
| group uniqueVisitors = estimate_distinct(ip) |
first |
The first input. |
first(expression) |
| group firstVisitor = first(ip) |
last |
The last input. |
last(expression) |
| group lastVisitor = last(ip) |
oldest |
Input with oldest timestamp. |
oldest(expression) |
| group firstVisitor = oldest(ip) |
newest |
Input with newest timestamp. |
newest(expression) |
| group lastVisitor = newest(ip) |
any |
Arbitrarily chosen input. |
any(expression) |
| group randomVisitor = any(ip) |
Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Examples |
len |
Number of characters. |
len(x) |
| let example = len(“DataSet”) |
lower |
All letters changed to lowercase. |
lower(x) |
| let example = lower(“DataSet”) |
upper |
All letters changed to uppercase. |
upper(x) |
| let example = upper(“DataSet”) |
ltrim |
Remove leading characters. |
trim whitespace: ltrim(x) |
| let example = ltrim("DataSet", "Data") |
rtrim |
Remove trailing characters. |
trim whitespace: rtrim(x) |
| let example = rtrim("DataSet", "Set") |
trim |
Remove leading and trailing characters. |
trim whitespace: trim(x) |
| let example = trim("_DataSet_", "_") |
substr |
A copy with characters removed. |
remove first y characters: substr(x,y) |
| let example = substr("DataSet", 4) |
replace |
x, with all matches for y replaced by z. |
replace(x,y,z) |
| let example = replace("I <3 Scalyr", "Scalyr", "DataSet") |
isempty |
True if null or an empty string. |
isempty(x) |
| let example = isempty("") |
isblank |
True if null, an empty string, or contains only whitespace. |
isblank(x) |
| let example = isblank(" ") |
string |
Cast as string. |
string(x) |
| let example = string(12345) |
format |
Generate a formatted string, inserting values as specified with additional options. |
integer: %[width]d pad on right: %- |
| let description = format("Processed %,d orders for %s in %+,10.8f seconds.", 1000, "customer", .002) |
Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Example |
abs |
Absolute value of x. |
abs(x) |
| let example = abs(-1) |
ceiling |
x, rounded up to an integer. |
ceiling(x) |
| let example = ceiling(.9) |
floor |
x, rounded down to an integer. |
floor(x) |
| let example = floor(.9) |
min |
The smaller of x and y. |
min(x,y) |
| let example = min(1,2) |
max |
The larger of x and y. |
max(x,y) |
| let example = max(1,2) |
sqrt |
The square root of x. |
sqrt(x) |
| let example = sqrt(9) |
exp |
Standard exponential function, e^x. |
exp(x) |
| let example = exp(2) |
ln |
Natural (base-e) logarithm of x. |
ln(x) |
| let example = ln(10) |
log |
Logarithm of x. |
base-10: log(x) |
| let example = log(10) |
pow |
X to the power of y, or x^y. |
pow(x,y) |
| let example = pow(2, 3) |
Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Example |
running_sum |
Sum the input expression for all rows up to and including current. |
running_sum(expression) |
| let thruput = running_sum(bytes) |
running_count |
1 for the first row, 2 for the second row, etc. |
running_count() |
| let sessionCount = running_count() |
overall_sum |
Sum the input expression across all rows. |
overall_sum(expression) |
| let overallThruput = overall_sum(bytes) |
overall_count |
Total number of rows. |
overall_count() |
| let eventCount = overall_count() |
overall_min |
Smallest value of the input expression in any row. |
overall_min(expression) |
| let smallestSale = overall_min(price) |
overall_max |
Largest value of input expression in any row. |
overall_max(expression) |
| let largestSale = overall_max(price) |
overall_avg |
Average value of input expression across all rows. |
overall_avg(expression) |
| let avgSale = overall_avg(price) |
percent_of_total |
The input expression, as a percentage of the sum of that expression across all rows. |
percent_of_total(expression) |
| let salesPercentage = percent_of_total(price) |
running_percent |
A running total of percent_of_total(). For instance, if the first three rows add up to 25% of the total in all rows, then in the third row this will be 25. |
running_percent(expression) |
| let salesPercentage = running_percent(price) |
Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Example |
net_ip |
True if x is a valid IP address. |
net_ip(x) |
| let example = net_ip("") |
net_ipv4 |
True if valid IPv4 address. |
net_ipv4(x) |
| let example = net_ipv4("") |
net_ipv6 |
True if valid IPv6 address. |
net_ipv6(x) |
| let example = net_ipv6("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334") |
net_ipsubnet |
True if x is within y subnet expression. |
net_ipsubnet(x,y) |
| let example = net_ipsubnet("", "") |
net_private |
True if x is a valid IPV4 or IPV6 private address. |
net_private(x) |
| let example = net_private("") |
net_rfc1918 |
True if x is a valid IPV4 private address. |
net_rfc1918(x) |
| let example = net_rfc1918("") |
net_rfc4193 |
True if x is a valid IPV6 private address. |
net_rfc4193(x) |
| let example = net_rfc4193("fd00::") |
Command |
Description |
Syntax |
Example |
timebucket |
Use for dividing time range into multiple buckets, truncates time value to the beginning of a bucket. |
auto select bucket size: timebucket() |
timeMs=* page='home' |
querystart |
Beginning of the query time span. |
epoch nanoseconds: querystart() |
| let errors.timestamp = querystart() |
queryend |
End of the query time span. |
epoch nanoseconds: queryend() |
| let investigation.timestamp = queryend() |
queryspan |
The length of the time span for the current query. |
nanoseconds: queryspan() |
message contains "error" | group eventsPerMinute = count() / queryspan("minutes") by serverHost | sort -eventsPerMinute |
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