This document is intended to help teach users how to implement DataSet's Log subscriber and streamer functions that take log events from Cloudwatch Logs and stream events to DataSet. You can view a full video tutorial here.
Table of Contents
- Create Slack Bot
- Configure a sample set of services to monitor.
- These three sample services are DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Lambda
- Configure Observational Visibility Data
- Configure Logging
- Configure Metrics
- Configure DataSet
- Configure Parsers
- Configure Dashboard
- Configure Alerts
Create Slack Bot
This step will show you how to setup demo microservices to monitor. You can view the full tutorial here
Configure Serverless Logging
- Get API Key
- Deploy CloudFormation Template
- Subscribe to CloudWatch Log Groups
- Configure Log Groups
Log Group
{ ".*": { "parser": "my_func_parser", "prefix_timestamp": true, "serverHost": "webinar"} }
Configure Cloudwatch Metrics
- Create role or user
- Configure monitor reference
type: "cloudwatch",
region: "us-east-1",
accessKey: "xxx",
secretKey: "xxx",
executionIntervalMinutes: 2,
period: 1,
metrics: [
// lambda
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "Invocations"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "Duration"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "Errors"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "DeadLetterErrors"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "DestinationDeliveryFailures"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "Throttles"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "ProvisionedConcurrencyInvocations"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "ProvisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocations"}
{namespace: "AWS/Lambda", dimensions: {FunctionName: "webinar3"}, metric: "IteratorAge"}
//api gateway
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "4XXError"}
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "5XXError"}
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "CacheHitCount"}
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "CacheMissCount"}
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "Count"}
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "IntegrationLatency"}
{namespace: "AWS/ApiGateway", dimensions: {ApiName: "webinar3-API"}, metric: "Latency"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ConditionalCheckFailedRequests"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ReadThrottleEvents"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ReturnedBytes"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ReturnedItemCount"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ReturnedRecordsCount"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "SuccessfulRequestLatency"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "SystemErrors"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "TimeToLiveDeletedItemCount"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "ThrottledRequests"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "TransactionConflict"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "UserErrors"}
{namespace: "AWS/DynamoDB", dimensions: {TableName: "ProductCatalog"}, metric: "WriteThrottleEvents"}
Configure DataSet
1. Create parser
// specify a time zone if the timestamps in your log are not in GMT
// timezone: "GMT-0800"
formats: [
format: "$timestamp=number$ "
format: ".*$=json{parse=json}$.*",
repeat: true
format: ".*REPORT RequestId: $RequestId$ Duration: $duration$ ms Billed Duration: $billed_duration$ ms Memory Size: $mem_size$ MB Max Memory Used: $max_mem_used$ MB",
repeat: true
format: ".*RequestId\\s?:\\s?$RequestId$",
format: ".*RequestId\\s?:\\s?$RequestId$ ",
2. create dashboard
// duration: "4h",
graphs: [
columnSpan: 0,
graphStyle: "line",
plots: [
color: "#00BDD6",
filter: "(\"REPORT\") ($serverHost = \"webinar12\") ($logfile = \"/aws/lambda/webinar12\")",
label: "Rate"
rowSpan: 0,
title: "Lambda Requests"
columnSpan: 0,
graphStyle: "line",
plots: [
color: "#00BDD6",
facet: "rate",
filter: "('ERROR') ($serverHost = \"webinar12\") ($logfile = \"/aws/lambda/webinar12\")",
label: "Rate"
rowSpan: 0,
title: "Lambda Errors"
label: "Lambda Duration",
plots: [
facet: "duration",
filter: "(\"REPORT\") ($serverHost = \"webinar12\") ($logfile = \"/aws/lambda/webinar12\")",
label: "duration"
label: "API Gateway Requests",
plots: [
filter: "(\"Extended Request Id\") ($serverHost = \"webinar12\")",
label: "Rate"
label: "Api Gateway Errors",
plots: [
facet: "value",
filter: "($namespace == * $namespace == \"AWS/ApiGateway\" $metric in (\"4XXError\",\"5XXError\")) ($serverHost = \"cloudwatch-us-east-1\") ($logfile = \"cloudwatch\")",
label: "value"
label: "API Gateway Duration",
plots: [
facet: "value",
filter: "($namespace == * $namespace == \"AWS/ApiGateway\" $metric == \"Latency\") ($serverHost = \"cloudwatch-us-east-1\") ($logfile = \"cloudwatch\")",
label: "value"
columnSpan: 0,
graphStyle: "line",
plots: [
color: "#00BDD6",
filter: "((dynamo && $requestParametersTableName == \"ProductCatalog\") && $requestID == * \"DescribeTable\") ($serverHost = \"webinar12\") ($logfile = \"CloudTrail/Webinar12/DDB\")",
label: "Rate"
rowSpan: 0,
title: "DDB Requests"
label: "DDB Errors",
plots: [
facet: "value",
filter: "( $namespace == \"AWS/DynamoDB\" $metric contains \"error\") ($serverHost = \"cloudwatch-us-east-1\") ($logfile = \"cloudwatch\")",
label: "value"
label: "DDB Duration",
plots: [
facet: "value",
filter: "($namespace == \"AWS/DynamoDB\" $metric == \"SuccessfulRequestLatency\") ($serverHost = \"cloudwatch-us-east-1\") ($logfile = \"cloudwatch\")",
label: "value"
graphSize: "medium"
3. Create alert
alertAddress: "slack:webhookUrl=",
description: "Lambda Invocation Error",
trigger: "countPerSecond:1 minutes(('ERROR') ($serverHost = \"cloudwatch-630972250024\") ($logfile = \"/aws/lambda/webinar3\")) > 0",
alertAddress: "xxx",
description: "High latency",
renotifyPeriodMinutes: 60,
resolutionDelayMinutes: 5,
trigger: "mean:1 minutes(duration where (duration > 600) ($serverHost = \"cloudwatch-630972250024\") ($logfile = \"/aws/lambda/webinar3\")) > 0"
alertAddress: "slack:webhookUrl=",
description: "High Amount of Requests",
trigger: "countPerSecond:1 minutes(('REPORT') ($logfile = \"/aws/lambda/webinar3\")) > 10",
Supplemental Reading (configure role)
AccountID: "913057016266"
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