- Log into your Okta account with admin privileges and click on the "Admin" button at the top right hand side of the page.
- Click on "Add Applications" under "Shortcuts."
- Create a new app on the left panel by clicking on "Create New App"
- You will see the following screen. Select "Web" under "Platform" and "SAML 2.0" for "Sign on method." Then click on the "Create" button
- Okta’s "Create SAML Integration" wizard is displayed. On the first screen enter a name for the application (DataSet), upload the DataSet logo (attached to this article) and click "Next."
- In SAML settings, (under "General") enter the information below. Replace "MYORG" with the organization name that you shared with DataSet Support.
Single sign on URL Audience URI (SP Entity ID) US https://www.scalyr.com/acs https://www.scalyr.com/sp?organization=MYORG EU https://eu.scalyr.com/acs https://eu.scalyr.com/sp?organization=MYORG DVUS https://app.us1.dataset.com/acs https://app.us1.dataset.com/sp?organization=MYORG DVEU https://app.eu1.dataset.com/acs https://app.eu1.dataset.com/sp?organization=MYORG
Single sign on URL: Enter the URL value from the table above (varies by region) and check "Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL"
Audience URI (SP Entity ID): Replace "MYORG" with the organization name that you shared with DataSet Support.
Name ID Format: Select EmailAddress
Application username: Email
- Under "ATTRIBUTE STATEMENTS", add the following fields and click "Next."
Name: email
Name format: Basic
Value: user.email
- On the next screen, ("Are you a customer or partner?"), select "I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app". For the "App type", check "This is an internal app that we have created." Click the "Finish" button.
- Click the "Identity Provider Metadata" link and download the metadata XML file for your Okta app. After downloading the file, please send it to support@dataset.com.
8/2021 - DataSet now supports SAML provisioning via Okta. Please contact support@dataset.com if you are interested in implementing this.
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